It’s Beginning to Feel a lot like Christmas! 12-17-2018

I just realized it has been many weeks since I wrote on the blog. This will be a bit shorter as we recap these last 5 or 6 weeks.  As I said earlier, we decided to not use any of the other possible procedures or suggested treatments because there was no guarantee that anything  could even make a difference and the side effects sounded worse than anything I have had yet. So we said goodbye to our doctor and the infusion team.

Last week we began with Hospice. We have been very impressed with our team. We have a great nurse and  good social worker. The chaplain was just delightful and very positive. They brought us a wheelchair for longer trips where the walker wasn’t feasible. They also brought in a hospital bed where I can actually sleep instead of using the recliner each night.  It is very comforting to have someone checking on you every few days and they stay up on any needs or changes I might have. We appreciate these good organizations and their desire to help people.

We are looking forward to all of our family arriving in town this week. Mark and Stacey’s girls just found out on December 16 they were coming to Utah and they are very excited.  Paul and Vee’s children have known since before Thanksgiving and have made sure that all of their friends and neighbors and teachers and grocery store employees and the rest of Austin knows they are coming to Utah for Christmas! We do have some fun times planned for all 32 of us together. Everyone else will be coming and going as they can.

The highlights of our month so far have been attending the Tabernacle Choir’s Christmas concert, the AFC Christmas concert, and enjoying a wonderful Christmas CD made by our daughters, Emily and Rachel.  We sure wish each of you a wonderful Christmas celebration and a  NewYear full of blessings and joys.

6 thoughts on “It’s Beginning to Feel a lot like Christmas! 12-17-2018

  1. Love you Ginger!
    I could totally hear your cute voice and little laugh as I read the part about Paul and Vee’s kids letting everyone know they are coming to Utah for Christmas! It is so uplifting to hear how positive you are. We wish you the merriest Christmas ever.


  2. Ginger you are such a source of faith and inspiration to us all! Please know that you are in our every thought and prayer as well as your family. I hope you have the Merriest of Christmases and the best time with your children and grandchildren. 32 is a great posterity. Love you dear friend!


  3. You are wonderful, Ginger! I wanted to run right over when we got home, but then we rushed to the emergency room instead. Now we have family and you are getting family and I can’t come in your house and it is cold outside, but know you are in our thoughts and prayers as usual. We love you and wish you a wonderful Christmas. We will invite you and Scott over after the holidays.


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